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Do your supervisors & managers have the skills & training to handle complex HR legal issues in their daily dealings with employees? Not knowing these skills can cause mistakes on hiring, termination, interviewing, FMLA, sexual harassment, or the Americans with Disabilities Act. This could cause an embarrassing and expensive legal nightmare. The 10-Minute HR Trainer covers multiple topics and is the easy way to deliver effective human resource management training meetings in as little as 10 minutes. Put it to work in your organization and stop worrying about potential mistakes!

Do your supervisors & managers have the skills & training to handle complex HR legal issues in their daily dealings with employees? Not knowing these skills can cause mistakes on hiring, termination, interviewing, FMLA, sexual harassment, or the Americans with Disabilities Act. This could cause an embarrassing and expensive legal nightmare. The 10-Minute HR Trainer covers multiple topics and is the easy way to deliver effective human resource management training meetings in as little as 10 minutes. Put it to work in your organization and stop worrying about potential mistakes!

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